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"Here To Forever, Finally Free To Be Me".
Looking for love in all the wrong places? Have you ever felt like that is the story of your life? Finding what you are certain is true love only to have it come crashing down, leaving you in a wake of devastation? Have the ups and downs, twists and turns of the roller coaster of relationships left you wondering why you keep bothering to get back on the ride?
We all have our relationship stories. Stories of love found. Stories of love lost. Stories of joy. Stories of frustration. From Here to Forever is one of those stories. With vulnerability, clarity and light-hearted playfulness, Venus Castleburg invites you to walk alongside her journey with its triumph and defeat, with its joy and its destruction, tantalizing you to consider the possibility that life and love can be filled with ease, peace and fulfillment. Personally going from believing that she was flawed, bad, broken and in need of being fixed to actually liking herself and inviting fun and satisfying relationships into her world, Venus goes beyond tempting and teasing with her story and delivers pragmatic tools and processes that when applied will allow you to create something greater too.
If you are wondering if true love even exists, if you have been looking for the promise of forever with no idea how to find it, look no further. One choice can change your entire world. As the Chinese proverb says, “The journey of a thousand miles starts beneath one’s feet.” To get where you would like to go from where you are now may feel like 1,000 miles or maybe even more. Yet, there is nothing you need to begin this journey other than saying YES! Are you ready for something greater than you can even imagine? It all starts here… with you.
Twenty years of seeking and exploration of many modalities assisted Venus Castleberg with acquiring various skills such as homeopathy, hypnotherapy, Reiki, Shamanism, tarot, nutrition, yoga, and intuitive body work.
Currently Venus is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness®, Access Bars®, Being You Changing the World® and Joy of Business® as well as a practitioner of Symphony of Possibilities™. As a coach and business mentor, she has successfully assisted clients in creating greater possibilities for their lives, their businesses and the world.
Transforming the belief that she was somehow wrong and definitely broken into the knowing that she is complete, whole and lacks nothing, Venus invites others to discover the same. Her message is simple: “You are not nor have you ever been broken.” Using the pragmatic tools of Access Consciousness®, Venus engages with clients through classes, private sessions and body work, empowering them to have and be more of themselves as they create the life they desire.